Bird Nesting Season

Bird Nesting Season: Protecting Wildlife While Managing Shrubs and Hedges

Bird breeding season runs from March until September, and during this crucial period, ID Mercer Services takes special care in managing shrub and hedge maintenance. Our commitment to wildlife conservation means that we conduct thorough bird nesting checks before any work begins, ensuring that we comply with legal protections for nesting birds.

Conducting a Nesting Bird Check (Survey)

Step 1: Assess the Need for Work

The first question we ask is: Does the work need to be done during the breeding season? If it can be delayed until after September, we consider postponing it to minimize disturbance to wildlife.

Step 2: Site Inspection

  • If work must proceed, a thorough site check is conducted up to a week prior to any planned maintenance.

  • The best time to perform the survey is between dawn and 08:00 AM, preferably in clear weather conditions. This allows us to accurately observe bird activity.

  • Our survey process involves stopping at regular intervals to carefully inspect for any signs of nesting birds.

Step 3: Recording Observations

  • A survey form is completed to log all checks, ensuring transparency and accountability.

  • Photographic evidence is collected to document findings and allow for effective communication with stakeholders.

  • If bird nests or signs of nesting activity are detected, exclusion zones will be marked to prevent disruption.

Legal Protections for Nesting Birds

It is a criminal offense under UK law to:

  • Kill, injure, or take any wild bird.

  • Intentionally take, damage, or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built.

  • Intentionally take or destroy the eggs of any wild bird.

  • Intentionally or recklessly disturb any wild bird while it is nest-building, or at a nest containing eggs or young birds.

Bird Nesting Log: A Sample Record

Site Name Hedge/Shrub Type Time Date Birds Present Operative
St John’s Road Privet Hedge 08:00 21/01/25 Yes/No [Name]

By following these strict protocols, ID Mercer Services ensures that we meet both our legal obligations and our environmental responsibilities. Protecting wildlife while maintaining landscapes is at the heart of our mission, and we take every precaution to preserve the natural habitats of birds during the breeding season.

For any inquiries regarding our shrub and hedge management policies, please contact us directly. Let's work together to protect our feathered friends!


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